Users can create products in the system by providing key details such as product name, description, and type.
Each product can be used later for lifecycle creation or event log management.
Product creation is a flexible process where users can specify additional properties like production date, manufacturer, and any relevant tags or metadata.
Once a product is created, users can optionally assign it to event logs.
This step allows the product to be used for tracking real-time events in the product lifecycle.
Assigning products to event logs provides more detailed and secure tracking of events associated with the product.
However, this is an optional step, and products can still be used solely for lifecycle creation if desired.
There are two main types of products that users can create:
- Raw Products: These are base products or raw materials that haven't undergone any significant transformation.
They can be part of the supply chain but are not yet finished goods.
- Value Added Products: These are products that have undergone processing or transformation from raw materials.
Value-added products can be made up of multiple raw products, creating a composite good ready for further use or sale.
Users can define raw materials used in value-added products by selecting other products in the system as inputs.
Products, whether raw or value-added, can be used in lifecycle creation.
In this process, users can define the events that happen to the product during its lifecycle,
such as manufacturing stages, quality control, packaging, and delivery.
By associating a product with a lifecycle, users enable detailed tracking of the product's journey,
from creation to the final destination.