Tracing refers to the ability to view and track event logs that have been uploaded to the blockchain.
Event logs contain all the data related to specific events in a product's lifecycle,
and once uploaded to the blockchain, they are immutable and can be traced for transparency and audit purposes.
Once event logs are created and uploaded to the blockchain, users can access the Trace Page to view detailed records of each event.
This page provides a comprehensive overview of every product's journey through the lifecycle events, offering full traceability
for both internal users and external stakeholders like suppliers and customers.
Each event log that is uploaded to the blockchain is assigned a unique hash, ensuring its integrity.
On the Trace Page, users can see the following blockchain-related information for each event log:
- Event Log Hash: A unique identifier for the event log stored on the blockchain.
- Timestamp: The exact time the event was logged and uploaded.
- Product Information: Detailed data about the product associated with the event log.
- Event Details: Information on the specific event, including the name, duration, and outcome.
By viewing this data, users can confirm the authenticity and sequence of events without any possibility of tampering.
There are several benefits to event log tracing on the blockchain:
- Transparency: The ability to view event logs provides full transparency in the supply chain.
- Accountability: Since logs are immutable on the blockchain, they provide an auditable record for compliance.
- Security: Event data stored on the blockchain cannot be altered, ensuring the integrity of your product's lifecycle.
- Trust: Stakeholders, including partners and customers, can trust the verifiable data provided in the event logs.
To trace an event log, users can navigate to the Trace Page and:
1. Search for the product: Use filters or search functionalities to locate the product whose event logs you want to trace.
2. Select the relevant lifecycle: Pick the lifecycle associated with the product to view the event logs.
3. Review the blockchain data: On selecting the event log, users will be able to see the associated blockchain hash,
timestamp, and details about the event. You can also view the product history and trace previous lifecycle stages.